Which Way is the Wind Blowing? is a permanent public art feature wall at 901 E Kent Avenue North, Vancouver, BC.
Installed in June, 2023
What is in the wind, what is coming up, what does the future hold? The sculptures above consider what is happening here and now, and what will happen on this spot in the future. An anemometer perches at the top of the wall, reading the wind speed and direction. On a breezy day, lights twinkle behind scattered shapes, with changing colours and patterns determined by the wind.
Commissioned by PC Urban Properties
For IntraUrban Kent
Materials: Powder coated aluminum, LEDs, Anemometer
Wind is a metaphor for change, and whatever it may bring. For Kent Avenue, I wanted to create a piece that reflects the current local conditions, specifically the wind.
Glossy white shapes are scattered across the white concrete wall, in a crisp relief of white-on-white. From these hard-edged, geometric shapes, multicoloured blocks of light radiate outward over the surface of the wall. The lights change and move according to the wind direction and speed. On the top of the wall is a black wind sensor, which can be seen spinning in the wind.
Neighbourhood regulars may come to know the changing patterns of light, as a waypoint along a busy route, and also as a reflection of the changing weather. Even if it is not clear to the casual observer what the lights are doing, I hope they will appreciate the bright colours, especially on a dark and rainy evening.